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There is such an abundance of information about health, whether it be from friends, family, social media or other sources on the internet. While it is preferable to have detailed and personalised discussions of your health with your family doctor, it can be helpful to have easy access to trusted sources of information.


Aside from my blog, I have also selected the following resources to help my patients improve their understanding of health conditions and in doing so, experience greater clarity and engagement in the clinical decision-making process.


When it comes to parenting, there can be a whole host of questions when our children are sick. To find out more about conditions discussed in your GP consultation, The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne and Sydney Children's Hospital Network provide reliable information on a comprehensive range of topics.

Moving beyond managing health conditions, parenting also involves understanding and nurturing our children. While many of us study years in formal education, the most education we often get for parenting are limited to classes on birthing or caring for babies in their first year of life. A helpful companion resource for parenting is provided by the Raising Children Network which explores relevant topics and concerns parents might face at each stage of their child's upbringing.

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Pregnancy should be a wonderful and special experience, yet there can be so many opinions and concerns that can take away from the joy of pregnancy. While your midwife, GP or obstetrician should play a vital part in educating and informing you about pregnancy, both the Royal Women's Hospital and South Eastern Sydney LHD provide fact sheets for various pregnancy related topics and conditions to supplement your understanding.


If you have ever wondered whether a medication is safe to consume during pregnancy, Mothersafe provides the most definitive advice.

Other Fact Sheets

Understanding your mental health through psychoeducation is an important part of improving your wellbeing. Some helpful mental health resources are available through the Black Dog Institute.


Discharged from emergency and wanting more information on management and what to expect? The Emergency Care Institute has compiled an excellent collection of fact sheets.


Living through chronic pain is difficult and after a certain point, the answer cannot simply be more drugs. Understanding the complexity of chronic pain through Pain Australia can help you explore more ways to manage your pain.


Being referred for a scan for the first time but not sure what to expect? Melbourne Radiology has produced patient guides that clearly explain what is involved in each imaging investigation, including safety, preparation and procedure.

Patient Logs

While there are numerous apps that allow for blood pressure monitoring, I still find using a paper template to be the clearest and most helpful for finding trends.


Likewise, when it comes to longstanding insomnia, a detailed sleep diary can help us determine sleep quality and uncover underlying issues.


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Intended use of information

Information provided by this website are of an educational nature for the benefit of the public. While every effort is made to ensure information on this website is accurate, this information does not replace individualised professional advice.

Do not use this website’s information to make judgement about your health or conditions in diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention. This website does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information provided.


Quality of Information

This website makes every effort to ensure quality information, but do not provide any guarantees and assume no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currency or reliability of information. Readers should evaluate information with their health practitioner to ensure correct understanding and applicability to their individual circumstance.


Links to Other Websites

Links are provided by this website to other websites to facilitate convenient access to further information. These links are not managed by this website. Links from our website do not necessarily reflect our views of health, our commitment to a particular course of action, nor does it constitute an endorsement of third-party products or services. Readers are responsible for making their own evaluation about the accuracy, currency or reliability of information in linked websites.

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